NOT the feature Model!!
This is my captain. I went for a crimson tabard, and this is the first model in the ary that I painted. He inspired the colour scheme for the whole force.
I have mused that this is what i would look like in power armour (bald). LMAO
Packing some nifty gear and nasty weapons, he is a force to be reckoned with on his own, but with his command squad...
Speaking of which- HERE THEY ARE!! A classic model at the centre there, from the days of yore when the Horus Heresy was just being dreamt up by the Lords of Games Workshop. This squad also features a flamer, a veteran sergeant with a powerfist, and a chamion carrying a power sword and shield. The theme of bright red power weapons really grabs your eye, don't it? I will apoligise for not including banners witht he models, but I am crap at them and they dont do transfers or stickers for tailor made projects. Maybe one day...
Tactical squad. These marines were lovingly dubbed "wombles" when they came out, coz of the pointy noses, lol. This squad features what I call the "classic tactical options" - flamer marine, missile launcher operator and veteran sergeant with power sword and plasma pistol. This squad is pretty much ready for anything and would be difficult to shift if they dug in. ( see that guy in the robe in the back ground? More on him in a bit)
ANOTHER tactical squad. Same configuration, but this sergeant packs a power fist and bolter. This squad would be a good option for assaulting some armour with that sergeant, or maybe a bunker, given the flamer. Even better, splitting the squad into 2 sections of five marines would allow for dual roles of support and assault. Sweet!
A lot going on here! Its the scouts I wanted to show off though. Note the crimson uniform, in theme witht he captain's tabard. I also went a bit "american footie" with the scouts' faces, putting black lines under their eyes to reduce glare from bright lights of flares and air burst shells. This squad uses only bolters and bolt pistols with close combat weapons. Typical uses include holding objectives and launching assaults on light infantry to slow enemy advances. They don't have armours as thick as their brother marines, so using cover to advance is probably sensible.
More scouts, but with a very different role on the battlefield. These guys pack sniper rifles and a heavy bolter, so gues what their role is? With a decent BS and specialist weaponry, these scouts can pretty much hammer away at enemy infantry squads from a distance and cause your opponent considerable discomfort. I was really chuffed with the kneeling scouts' camo cloaks which seemed to hit the right shade of green almost straight off the bat!
Terminators Squad, led by a sergeant converted from a chaplain model (I wasn't thinking straight at the time- I mean a chaplain in terminator armour? D'OH!!) Pretty standard armaments too, but still a force to be reckoned with, due to their tough armour and deep strike abilities in battle. I did wonder if the silver and gold was too much, but it seems to work well and I reckon it complements the theme of the army.
Devastators. These guys provide my heavy support choice, and pack plenty of serious firepower, whilst trying to stay versatile. They carry the lascannon, multimelta and 2 missile launchers. Their main targets are naturally armoured ones, but the frag missiles should not be underestimated...
Scout bikers. they utilise the scouts forward force abilities with speed and provide any assault with much needed supprt and punch. I can use them to rapidly redeploy to where the fighting isn't favorable for me, or to launch that devastating surprise assault on the weakened spot in the enemy line. Very Revvy!
Typhoon! No the weather aint turning nasty, its the configuration of this land speeder. The typhoon launchers really do help to provide an explosive punch, and the multi melta is my nasty surprise for tanks that venture too close or bunkers that think they have nothing to fear from my speeder. Heheheheh!
Assault marines. The main focus of any attack I may launch, and the vanguard of a devastating counter attack. The squad features 2 plasma pistols, just for fun, and with its capability to deep strike and carry melta bombs the guys can really deliver the killing blow in good time and get home for a pint. I do like the guy on the far right, sprinting at the enemy.
More tactical marines, but these guys are only nine in number and don't carry special or heavy weapons. Still, useful for attacking or defending against infantry and they could still hold an objective.
This guys was made from the dark angels standard bearer model and I spent ages carefully filing down and removing the iconography on his robes. Then I added a midified Warhammer Orc banner, giving the impression of a battle worn banner.
Again I used the crimson robes and silver armour, with gold trim to denote him as a veteran marine.
Shot of the banner. I was trying to reflect in the banner something about the chapter, as well as keeping it very simple. To this end, I stuck to the skull on silver wings set on a black background with the roman numeral 4. The idea is that the black represents the evil that besets the imperium from all around, with the chapter symbol representing the stoic marines standing against the night to keep safe the imperium of man. Each of the silver stars on the banner represents a great hero of the chapter, who sacrificed himself in battle against terrible odds to win the day and bring honour to his chapter.
Sounds cool, don't it? LMAO
This is him from the front. The crimson robes really to complement the shining silver power armour and gold helmet and trim. The model really does have that- "BRING IT" sort of feel to it. The kinda bleak background also helps to accentuate the silver, making him seem all the more prominent and potent.
Side view showing his weapon arm and back pack. The simple chainsword, reassuring and deadly in the proper hands- HIS!!! Again, a truly impressive model, painstakingly converted and agonised over by yours truly!!!
This force is not really well suited to open warfare against opponents with rolling armour. They have no armour of their own. That said, the character of the army was originally intended for city fighting in dense terrain, where vehicles would carry little sway. That said, they could probably hold their own against most enemies, as the squads do carry some kit to punch holes on bunkers and armour- not to menbtion them being space marines which means they are quite tough anyway.
I have only fielded them a couple of times, with limited success. To be fair, Chaos is my first choice, and I am always drawn back to the dread powers... is it really by choice? lmao.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed looking at the "wombles", and also the terrain. The items I used were again modular boards, but I shook things up a little by using the tower and the impassable hill. My Modules also include a stone circle and a temple, but they are works in progress at present... could it be another showcase later? You'll have to wait and see!!!
I hope to showcase the chaos models in the next week or so before my massive weekend of beer and carnage with Bl0ke, after which I hope to have some sort of battle report type stuff to bung on here. If not, then check out rane projects and Domonet -the gentleman's blogs of choice!!!
Mate, every time I turn my back you produce another massive army! I'd pretty much forgotten all about your Silver Ghosts but if memory serves, you're bringing them with you for our gaming day, aren't you? Looking forward to seeing them in action if you play them :)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the shameless plug!
Dude, shameless? Moi? LOL
ReplyDeleteI will fit as much as I can in the car to bring up. I want to give us as big a scope as I can for battles and stories to tell of "the weekend of carnage". Hopefully those stories will be filled with beer stained memories of gallant heroes and flukey dice rolls, rather than "Deano barfed after only 6 cans and had to go to bed" Well , time for werk(!) GOD DAMN I love my job!