Tuesday 22 June 2010

Finally!!! Another army showcase!


It's the turn of the Chaos Daemons. Cos the method of putting the pics up is, well HAPHAZARD to say the least, I have thrown them in in no particualr order.

Alot of these models featured in older army showcases ( ie the nurgle Daemons) but they have since decided that the the relative codex is pants and banded together (nuff said on the nerfed out CSM Codex.)

So, in no particular order I give you the hordes of the fickle powers!

MMMMM Daemon Prince of Slaanesh.
SWEEET model, converted more and repainted to match the other Slaaneshi daemons in the army. This guy is actually a HEAVY SUPPORT option. Go figure...

Classic Bloodletters. Rebased from the old Black legion army to fit in with the daemon army. Sweet! One of the 5 troops choices in the army, and assault specialists!

Good ole Plaguebearers. Bit slow, but hard as coffin nails and difficult to get rid of. Even with Bleach...
Army general and centre piece is my great unclean one. Mr Smelly himself, and a close personal friend of the tramp that never EVER removes clothing for any reason at all, including the toilet (sniff sniff...)

In the elites slot I have 2 fiends of slaanesh. Fiendishly tricky to put together, but painte din gaudy colours they really leap out at you. Fast and deadly!
More troops! Daemonettes no less. Fast moving, agile and beguiling, these girlies are not to be underestimated. They are well killy!

New look bloodletters. Nice and red! Their hellblades I painted in brazen brass- favored metal of the blood god.
For firepower in the army I got me some horrors of tzeentch. NIGHTMARE TO BUILD. NIGHTMARE TO PAINT. Games workshop dont do pink, apparently. My tentacle pink had dried up, so when I reached for the trusted model shop, I was let down. Still, like any decent painter type bloke, I mixed my own and raised a stubby middle digit to the workshop in triumph!!! LMAO.

The army is as it is, and it aint likely I'll add more to it. I didn't like painting the models much (apart from the Unclean one) and there aint much scope for conversion here either, which is unusual for chaos.
In game terms they are unpredictable due to the summoning and only half the army turn up etc. which I find infuriating.

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