Wednesday 2 June 2010


Well, back again!
Still no pics for all you folks gaggin' to see what the twisted mind of a chaos freak has concoct6ed (YET) I'm afraid...

ON the news front, the daemon horde has grown a bit in size, and will probably stay as it is until the rumoured plastic plague bearers and horrors pop up.
It now includes a second unit of bloodletters and 2 fiends of slaanesh. Sweet! I'm in the process of painting them all up now, so watch this space for future pics.
The daemon army is just a sideline really. I'll add bits and bobs every now and then, but doubt it will ever swell to the size of some of my other armies!

I am toying with a chaos space marine army for slaanesh too. I like the sonic weapons and the initiative boosts. I just struggle with he pink...
Again, it'll just be a small army of the bare minimum stuff. 1HQ 2 troops, and 1 each of elites, fast attack and heavy support, with a few tanks chuicked in.

The biggest idea to explode into my skull from the warp lately has been expanding on my traitor guard army. I just love the idea of it. It needs more heavy weapons and vehicles really, as well as a beefy character to add that ouch! factor to the force.
I'm thinking along the lines of using the commissar lord rules to create some sort of heretical overlord/ orator for the army, which is nice...
There's also the topic of regimental advisors.
I plan to accomodate this using suitably converted models, but in game terms they will be as per the guard codex. NICE.
The army also lacks elites options, and yet again I have been considering this a little. My thoughts were to simply use chaos space marines at first, but the latest ideas of chaos ogryns, or even storm trooper equivalents and even a heretic techpriest with servitors have been buzzing about in the brain.
As for tanks and vehicles, more leman russ, ordnance batteries and sentinel squadrons all spring to mind, along with heavy weapons squads and special weapons squads to cause more problems.
Again watch this space (it'll probably be something else entirely next week...)

ON the home front - NEW CAR!
Its red (so naturally it goes faster) and shiny (for now at least) and I likes it a lot!

Note for my buddy bl0ke:
We need to pester the women for their weekender again. I will not allow momentum to be lost! We had our turn, now they must take theirs! (plus there's always the chance of some little games to be had! And beer!)

Adieu amigos!


  1. Indeed!!!

    First of all, good news on the new car :)

    Nice to see you're expanding your thoughts on the Traitor Guard. If you're looking for Storm Trooper equivalents, look no further than the Blood Pact. Can't remember if you've read Gaunt's Ghosts enough but Google them if you don't know what they are. I'm sure you'll be able to do something with them :)

  2. Sweet read! Like the idea behind it. Makes me start thinking about guardsmen followers of Slaanesh with sonic blasters as special weapons...


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