Thursday 10 June 2010

Traitor Guard- Musings on the New look list

New look list?
Yep, that's right, I've been looking at the list and trying to figure out ways to represent specific unit types and models in the army, without losing the "guard factor"
Here's some of my thoughts, plop in some remarks and gimme the lowdown on your take of them...


Company Commmand squad- as per codex, complete with regimental advisors (after all, chaos fleets will bombard, they will have some sort of warp tainted astropath and traitor regiments would surely have access to some sort of ordnance support)

Lord Commissar- NAH! Replace that with a Chaos Space Marine Character. Maybe a deamon prince or a sorceror.
Failing that, Model to represent some sort of oratory maniac with same rules as the commissariat models.

Primaris Psyker- Yep, as per codex, but obviously all chaosed up and bonkers!

Ministorum Priests - Cult Fanatics, same rules and weapons

Techpriest Enginseer- YEP, as per codex, but all chaosed up!


Chaos Ogryns- Heheheheh!

Psyker battle squad - as per codex, but chaosed up

Storm trooper squads - Nope. Replaced by chaos beastmen. Same rules as codex, just beastmen instead. Strength 4 and bizarre warp weapons (same effect as hotshot weapons). Will NOT respond to orders from command units.


Infantry Platoon - as per codex, but instead of commissars, using chaos space marines. Same rules as commissars and same weapon options, just a chaos space marine instead.
It just made sense to me that the guardsmen would do as they were told out of a mix of fear, promise of rewards (that never come) and the sheer size and brutality of a chaos space marine.

Conscripts - replaced with the plague zombies. Same points and stats, only slow and purposeful, fearless and feel no pain rules.

Veterans - as per codex

Penal legion- done away with. It just aint likely that the lost and the damned have a penal system (huhuhuh said penal...), rather more of a bang your dead, sacrifice, slavery sort of system...


Sentinels - yep

Rough riders - yep, only on chaos beasties

Hellhounds- yep

Flyers- NOPE. Too hitech, and not enough techies in the traitor legions to maintain. Flyers captured are stripped for weapons, ammo and intel, as well as the odd sacrificial pilot or 2...


Leman Russ - Standard, demolisher, exterminator, eradicator, punisher. The others are rare variants now and so it would stand that they are well protected by the loyalists and steps are taken to ensure purity of the machine and its crew as part of maintanence rituals.

Ordnance- Basilisk, Griffon. The other types are rare and well preserved by the loyalists, and the legions of chaos would tend to use their own warped and strange equivalents.

Hydra Battery - as per codex


Well, that about covers everything I guess- except for the ADDITIONAL EXTRAS!

Additional stuff:
Daemon Squads- summoned into play by standards, which are chaos icons. As per chaos daemons codex troops options. Counts as troops, but doesn't use force organisation slot.
Daemon squads will NOT respond to orders from command units.

Chaos Spawn- Counts as elites, as per codex chaos space marines.

Chaos icons- as per codex in terms of rules for ld tests etc, only can be used as focal point for summoning. ANY SQUAD may be issued with a chaos icon for 5pts. The icons may only be used for summoning and have no bearing on orders or ld test benefits.

Well, that's it!
Tell me what y'all reckon.


  1. Sound good mate, although, I am confused - which codex is this list for? It looks like you start off as guard and finish as Chaos...

  2. Dom, my good man...
    It's for traitor guard. The regiments that fall to chaos and turn from the "Emperor's light" and stuff.
    The whole army generally follows the guard codex, but with the inclusion of just a couple of additions form the chaos daemons and chaos space marines codexes.
    I'm just musing over expanding the traitor force I have by including some other juicy stuff I have.
    Nick refers to this sort of thing as fan codexes, I think.
    Take a look at earlier in the blog- I did a similar musing for my Death guard.


Guess what? Here's your comment!! Thanks for taking the time to have a nose and feedback on it!!