Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Problems solved, but progression has been painful...

Well, just a quick one before I flit off again. AGAIN no pics yet (please be patient they will follow soon)

The traitor force now stands at 3000 points all thrown in (HOLY CRAP!!!)
  1. I stole a priest from the loyalists.
  2. I have solved the dilemma with commissars (the pics of the finished articles will help to explain that) for now lets just use the wordS "trench coats" as a clue to tease you with.
  3. I have added a full compliment of advisors to the command squad (again, the pics will help when they're done)
  4. The army now boasts 3 leman russ battle tanks, a hellhound a sentinel and 2 chimeras (raided the loyalists didn't I!)
  5. I managed to kit bash a psyker battle squad and a penal (hehehehe- PENAL) squad too from fantasy battle stuff.
  6. The rough riders are built and tooled up, but the squad isn't complete yet.

Next purchase for me will be a Catachan battle force, and I'll be looking to expand the infantry platoon and start on the second platoon/ veteran squads too. Oh and some black spray paint too... lots of black spray...

I will try and get some pics done, but may need a wide angle lens or something to do it...
Only 2000 points away from the target too!
That will be spent up with the second platoon and some ordnance and tanks, as well as maxing out the squads where I can, such as the psykers, ogryns etc. I also still want to get a tech priest with 5 servitors.


Then its just a matter of painting it all up and figuring out how the hell I ship it from A to B!

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