Hopefully the pictures aren't too fuzzy on the details, as all the models are now undercoated and ready for the paint job.
My initial plan was to include some rough riders in the army just as something a little different for my opponent to worry about, but looking at their capabilities in the codex and rule books I changed my thoughts on them and consider them to be a kick ass fast assault unit. And it means I dont have to field nothing but lasguns and tanks!
By using the parts from the heavy weapons, guard squad and command squad sprues, I was able to create what you see in this post. I'll try and be as descriptive as I can in terms of what I did, but my memory aint what it once was!
Remember this pic from the old post? I figured I should resurrect it here to show what I started out with. They were all constructed and undercoated Empire knights for fantasy battle. I took off the bodies and heads with clippers, and cut off the lance arms carefully, because I needed them to represent my hunting lances. Also removed were laurel wreaths and sigils from the horses' barding.
Some tricky cutting involved here, and I certainly nicked my thumb and fingers a bit.
The next step was a trip to town with some dosh and I bought the command squad, a heavy weapons squad and an infantry squad. One thought...KITBASH!!!
This is a view of the completely constructed squad. All undercoated up and ready for painting. Each model has had the body of a catachan added, along with a head, back pack, laspistol etc. You get the idea anyway. I basically combined the bits from the kits (as it were) and this ios what came out the other side!
I don't do well at planning these things too much, I tend to just break open the kit and go with my feelings and gut instinct. Of course, I knew what I wanted to achieve in general terms and to have a "vision" of the target is always helpful when it comes to going a bit "bashy."
Any ways, on to the individuals...
Here's the sergeant, on a suitably pompous horse and carrying a power weapon. the officer's cap was added, but only after I had removed the imperial (spits) eagle from it. I stuck the backpack onto the horse'sback end, as I figured that horses can have saddle bags, right? The model certainly has an authority about it (even though he is only a lowly sergeant).
Icon bearer carrying Slaaneshi icon. The codex doesn't feature this at all for rough riders, but I did muse over it whilst gazing at the icon in my bits box. It gives the squad identity, and I can use it as an icon if in can be bothered to include daemons and if my opponent agrees. Again the pompous looking nag, with a shovel stuck onto the barding at the rear. Pretty much all of the models have had additions from the guard kits put on, like ammo pouches, grenades, shovels etc.
Special weapon rider, carrying a flamer hooked onto the back of the horse. Again that them of back packs, cag stuck onto the armour features throughot the squad. Coupled with the speed of cavalry, this guy can get up close and gout flame over his foes, ideal for enemies in cover.
Apologies- crap picture! This fella packs a melta gun which comes in handy against heavy stuff and bunkers, and gives the squad a clearer purpose on the battle field. I'll muse on that later.
Again the back pack and gubbinz.
Again the back pack and gubbinz.
The remaining riders, keeping in with the theme of the squad. The look and feel is of a group of men that are self sufficient from the main force. They carry their own kit from place to place and rely on noone else. The shovels feature too, for digging in when in advance of the main column.
The squad has a "scouting unit" sort of feel because of this, which I really like.
The armoured legs look kinda weird, but for some reason seem to fit well. I decided to keep the armoured arms holding the lances too, because I figured that whilst you're on the charge, holding the lance toward your target with hails of shells coming at you, the armour would help to protect your lance arm and help to ensure you struck the target.
Beware the horsemen of chaos, for they bring only death and the promise of only more suffering that is certain to follow them!
Any ways, that's it for the unit thus far. Hopefully you agree with my thoughts that they look absolutely nuts. Next step is the paint job, which will be in with the rest of the army, featuring blacks and reds. If I can remember I'll put up pics of the painted stuff when its done to show it off a little.
And to think the hoon in games workshop said that it wouldn't look right, and that I had to use chaos marauder horsemen bits. What a fucktard...
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