Wednesday 28 April 2010

Changer of the Ways...

Well, guess what? lol
I only went a reverted to type and stuck with chaos!
This time though I went and got the chaos daemons codex, along with some daemonettes and some pink horrors.
Traditionally, I have hated painting daemons, so this army will be both annoying , challenging and rewarding all at once for me!

Army look
Well, no pics yet guys (you'll need to wait for the showcase) but the army features quite a few models I already had, as well as a few new additions.
The army is currently led by by Great Unclean one ( yes a real life proper Nurgel daemon- finally) and features 1squad of daemons from each of the 4 powers, along with a Slaaneshi Daemon Prince.
It comes to somewhere in the region of 1000pts at the minute, so I don't plan to add much more to bump it up to 1500 points.
The plan is to add to the existing daemon squads, add a couple of fast attck and elites choices and a second HQ choice to complete the force, though that soul grinder model does give me the chills...

Other news
Well, I went into Games Workshop (as we saddos are wont to do) and was approached by the store manager, who asked me what I was playing at the minute etc. Poor bugger. He got BOTH BARRELS from me about how cack the new Chaos Space Marine Codex was. He was taken aback at first, but then kinda tried his best to placate me over my issues with the new edition. I have already ranted, so just look back a couple of posts and you'll see what I am on about. He was shocked when I said that 20 years of collecting, painting converting and gaming were thrown down the tubes by the book, but offered advice on how I could use the new codex slightly differently to my advantage.
I have taken the advice on board, and the Chosen of chaos will return to action and we'll see how they get on.
I did also state that I thought it was utter tripe that there are Chapter specific codexes for Loyalist marines. Why doesn't chaos have that? Surely there legions of traitor marines had their own style of combat and warfare, as well as cultural individuality. I ended up demanding that there should be legion codexes for Iron Warriors, World Eaters, Emperors Children, Death Guard, Night Lords, Alpha Legion and Word Bearers, with Black Legion being the "vanilla codex"
This again started the ole juices spinning away....

Deano's Death Guard Codex.
Yup, that's right! My very own codex for my very own legion.
It wasn't that difficult to come up with ideas and points values for the different sqauds on offer either.
This is what I have so far:
All independant characters MUST have the mark of Nurgle.
Infantry squads may not take any heavy weapons AT ALL. Special weapons only.

The Only Special Character on offer is TYPHUS
Summoned greater daemons MUST be great unclean ones, as per codex Daemons, though they still dont use up an actual HQ choice from the force selection chart.

Chosen Plague Marines- 26 pts each. May not take heavy weapons, but are plague marines that can infiltrate.
Plague Marine Terminators - 46 pts each. (vanilla terminators cost double vanilla marines, so this pv is double the cost of a plague marine) Same options as per codex csm, but may not take reaper autocannon. Terminators feel no pain, are fearless and carry blight grenades, along with the +1T for being nurglesque. Icons that are carried are personal icons, costing 10pts.
Possessed- As per codex. Models suitable converted as Nurglesque. Also feel no pain. 30pts each instead of 26 to account for this.
Dreadnought- As per codex, but "slow and purposeful"

Plague Marines- as per codex
Nurgling bases - as per codex Daemons
Summoned daemons are plague bearers, as per codex Daemons, but they dont use any force chart selection choices. In game terms they still count as troops and can seize and hold objectives.

Fast Attack
Beasts of nurgle - as per codex Daemons
Plague marines in a rhino- up to 2 squads mounted in rhinos may be counted as fast attack choices. In game terms, this would mean that the amry could potentially have up to 8 troops choices.

Heavy Support
Plague marine Havocs - as per plague marines, but up to four marines may exchange weapons for special weapons (assault weapons) instead of 2.
Obliterators- only up to 1 squad
Predator- as per codex but may be fitted with sponsons armed with heavy flamers for +30pts.
(I always like to think of them as more of a kinda "pus sprayer" sorta thing)
All other options as per codex CSM


That's it for now though. When I got more to show and or tell, you'll see it here!


  1. Yeah, I had a feeling you'd stick with Chaos! You can't fight biology, chap!

    Have to say I agree with you on the whole individual Codices for loyalist Chapters. To date, there are five Space Marine Codices so I would have thought it reasonable that there would also be five Chaos Legion Codices.

    I would suggest Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children and World Eaters, with the Black Legion being the Vanilla Codex as you've said. The problem you face comes from a commercial aspect rather than nerfing of The Primordial Destroyer.

    I remember we had a chat recently about devising a Khorne list using the Space Wolves Codex but with no Rune Priests and allying them with elements of the Chaos Daemons book. The others wouldn't be so easy to copy I agree but GW have to be sure that they can make money out of Legion-specific Codices in the same way that they can with loyalist Chapters. It bites, I agree - I would love to see Codex: World Eaters!

    I've no problem with you playing a "fan" Codex, mate. Hell, we've made up our own rules for tons of stuff before. I think as with anything, you'd have to play-test it to death (no pun intended) before you consider it viable.

    I'm surprised you haven't made up any characters of your own in your Death Guard Codex. I would have thought it the perfect opportunity!

    I realise you're limited with what you can use as Fast Attack choices so I've no problem with Death Guard in Rhinos in that role. Since they're Fast Attack though, I'd suggest that they DON'T count as Scoring Units - or they would simply be mounted Troops Choices which kinda defeats the point of putting them in the Fast Attack slot!

    In fact, you have piqued my curiosity with this. I am going to create my own Death Guard fan Codex and see what I can come up with!

  2. Well, I have been thinking about a "daemon primarch" for Mortarion, made using various bits of Nurgle kit an suitably scarifying wargear and abilities....


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