Monday 12 April 2010

40K Showcase- BLack Legion Marines

Why do I love the bad guys?- This guy is why! A classic and awesome miniature who was a challenge to paint (hopefully) well and a great leader model for the army. Background tells of rumours that he may be the clone son of Horus himself. The Prodigal son that brings destruction and vengeance, Abaddon is everything it says "on the tin" and more besides.

In game terms he is a very powerful model with awesom wargear and deadly in close assaults.

He is the ultimate bad guy, the geezer you love to hate- fearfully powerful and evil incarnate.

In games where I am allowed to pick him, he is first choice for HQ and would definately be my general in an apocalypse game.

This fella is my Chaos Space Marine Sorceror. He comes with a familiar and bears the mark of Tzeentch, allowing him 3 (yes 3) psychic powers and he also has a good invulnerable save too. In games where his master Abaddon is used, I use him as Zaraphiston who is Abaddon's chief sorceror and one of his few trusted servants.

This fella used to be a space wolf standard bearer. Well, he aint now! One of the few conversions in the army, I can use him as either an aspiring champion for my chosen squad or as a "bargain basement" chaos lord. His icon is taken from a warhammer skaven model- think it was warlord SKWEEK or something like that. It serves as both his trophy rack and also as his Icon to Khorne. The power axe I can also use as a daemon weapon if need be, but that only applies if he is a lord!

Several models in the army make extensive use of space wolf parts. I did this because the Black Legion were once the sons of Horus, and before that the LUNA WOLVES. I figured it may stand to reason that though they changed to the black legion at Abaddon's command, they still retained their heritage of being Luna Wolves. It has added some grat character to the army and has really set them apart from other black legion marines. Look out fo the models in the pics!

CHOSEN- these guys are my infiltrators and pack a range of different weapons. The model in front is quite heavily converted from a space marine captain. He has had a head swap and even the plastic bolter has been converted into a combi weapon. The power fist I can shoose to include or leave out. In the case of this squad- it's left out. The squad's main purpoes is to being the vanguard of any attack, popping up and either giving supporting fire to the rest of the troops, or getting stuck in as soon as possible and carving a bloody swathe into the enemy. The Icon of Khorne is a great help with that!

Chaos Terminators- Deep striking death on a stick! The Khorne Icon adds to their killing ability in battle, along with the 2 combi weapons, the reaper autocannon and the range of power fists and chainfists. They are scary troops, especially seeing as how I can even make them ALL chamions of the dread powers! The only drawback with them is that they tower over Abaddon, which kinda ruins the effect of putting him on the battlefield...

Dreadnought. This one is made from a plastic space marine kit, with spiky bits and chains added, along with the head from a warhammer hydra model. The base also has had a rhino door added. I really like this model, and it does make for a hell of a centre piece model in the army. However, it's not the feature model!

This one packs a dread close combat weapon along with either twin linked lascannon or twin linked autocannon- it all depends on what I want it to make slush out of...
Just need to be careful- chaos dreadnoughts are insane killing machines and a little unpredictable!

Marines- the back bone of the army. These guys feature and autocannon and plasma gun, and the aspiring champion carries a power weapon and a combi bolter. He also carries the icon of chaos glory, which helps to bolster the squad's morale and summons daemons from the warp.
This is my massive 19 strong (yes 19) black legion squad, with a khorne icon and also carrying a heavy bolter, plasma gun and a champion packing a power weapon and plasma pistol. Their purpose is simple- anti infantry. The idea is to cover gorund as quickly as possible under support fire and then hit the enemy infantry- HARD. With support from other squads such as the dreadnought and terminators they offer a truly terrifying prospect for any general. I particularly fancy their chances against Imperial Guard infantry platoons!
Another Marines squad- this time with anti armour options in the form of lascannon, plasma gun and a champion with a power fist. ( hopefully you managed to spot the space wolf bits in the last few pics). Ideal in a supporting role, they also have the capacity to act as an assualting unit.
These are my 12 black legion khorne beserkers, with mutations and crazed looking warriors. The squad has a total of 3 plasma pistols, including the champion with his power fist and horns! A fearless unit and terribly good in a scrap, they are my main assault troops from the army. A certain someone's wolf scouts felt the fury of only 5 a few months back! The full squad is truly a wonder to behold in combat!

These are some of the oldest models I have in my entire collection, and I consider them to be the "archetype of daemons" The bloodletter exists only to kill and take skulls for its patron god, and these 8 could really help to make the difference in battle.

The dedicated transport option comes in the form of this rhino- kitted out with armour upgrades and a dozer blad it can go most places without hassle. The Havoc launcher provides extra firepower for the infantry. Not the shootiest of kit, but useful for getting the marines to where they're needed quickly.

The only fast attack option I have is this biker squad. Fast, nasty and hard hitting.
The champion is the feature model (coz he looks so cool) and the squad itself carries a melta gun and has a khorne icon for extra nastiness!

I think it looks really cool. I wanted to make the biker look dynamic and the champion needed to be special, as I didn't have much in the army when I got it. I put the bike on its back wheel and put it on a bigger base for support, giving the impression of the rider popping a wheelie.
The torso comes from a white metal model and he carries a massive power axe. The idea is he is using the weight of the bike coming down coupled with his powerful downstroke to dliver a swift killing blow to his enemies. The base also has some wreckage modelled onto it to give more character to the individual.
The colour scheme stays with that of the army and the model itself looks truly menacing and - well- mental!

Onto heavy support choices now, and this is a great cheap option for the points- an obliterator. Heavily armed and armoured with deep striking options and an impressive model, this one guy can bring down tanks and bunkers all on his todd. He also comes with the slow and purposeful rule, which allows him to lay down a withering hail of fire with heavy weapons whilst on the move. NICE!

Chaos Predator- the first of the army's main tanks. An old school model with added combi bolter armour and dozer blade, this tanks provides the anti tank and anti infantry firepower the army may need to break the lines of the unfortunate foes. There's an old style space marine model worked into the turret firing the combi bolter, and the sponson lascannon really add that degree of punch that enemy armour fears!

Finally the land raider. This tanks couples together awesome and terrible firepower with being and assault vehicle capable of troop carrying right up to the front line and down the enemy's throat. Loaded up with 5 terminators or 10 marines this bad boy of the battlefield can really kick ass! The most heavily armoured hunk of metal in any army! I modelled on a rune from a necromunda psyker model and the golden skulls are the dirge casters (great for tank shock). The marine on the top gives covering fire with the combi bolter too.
Ths army is enormous! And I like to couple it with elements form the Death Guard forces to create a truly massive apocalypse force. I even considered adding troops from the traitor guard army.
The force packs a little piece of everything- fast paced attack troops, support troops, assault troops and deep striking armoured warriors, all led by the ultimate bad guy!
I have enjoyed playing many furious battles with my Black legion over the years, and they are by far the army I feel most comfortable playing with.
Final Musings...
This concludes all the army showcases I have for 40K at present. I hope you found them interesting and maybe a little inspiring for your own collections.
I am considering my options now for the next army. It will be something special, I promise, bristling with weird and wonderful models and weapons.
I need to consult with my advisors first though, as I have several ideas in the pipeline.
Watch this blog for more news!


  1. It's good to see you've had fun posting these, mate. Now to keep the blog updated with battle reports :)

    If you're such a big fan of Abaddon, have a go at reading the first three books of the Horus Heresy series from GW. Ezekyle Abaddon is really fleshed out as a character. You'll love it!

  2. Cheers dude, I'll give that some thought! Soon be Friday!! Beer and Carnage ahoy!


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