Wednesday 7 April 2010

The Lost and the Damned- Traitors and heretics ALL

This shot doesn't show any troops (eh? I hear you cry- where's the traitors?) Well, first I thought I'd show off some of my bits- scenery bits that is! i got a barricade and a small ruin, along with a few objective pieces I made out of bits from the battlefield accesories set. The pieces I am most proud of though are my crucifiction victims (slightly topical, given we just got past "zombie jesus day"- aka Easter). Massive boards with the nature of their crimes daubed on in white paint- they really stick out on the table top and provide that little extra character to games. There's also a resin generator I found lurking in a bits box. I simply slapped on the colour and didn't worry too much about shading, highlinting etc. The results, I hop you agree, are pretty frikkin nutty!

The army in all its chaos glory!! There's around 100 models in the army in total, making use of force selections from both Codex imperial guard and codex chaos space marines. Models not shown here include a greater daemon and summoned lesser daemons. I also use them with my chaos space marine armies, so they spend their time with the others in storage. Watch this space though, they'll be shown soon enough!!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! BRAINS!!!
These likely lads are all conversions, made using a comination of necromunda, 40K and warhammer zombie model parts. In game terms, they are guardsmen, with lasguns and an obvious odour problem. There's 20 of them here, and I would tend to wnat to use them as a "mob" of 20 troopers. A great big lump of fodder really, but full of character. For the previous edition rules, they would serve as plague zombies or nurglesque mutants with firearms.

Leman Russ- Rollin on down the line! This chaos leman russ hass all the tyrimmings added from the chaos accesories sprue, along with a couple of chaos beastman shields. I added spears to the back end and to them I stuck on pennants. The bright red fits the colour scheme of the army itself, and looks sweet! Note also the gargoyle heads on the heavy bolters! Spiky and unfriendly, this tank adds a much needed punch to the army.

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! And other choice language!...
These beastmen have also all been converted, adding shooty weapons. I even converted the lasguns into single handed "carbine" type weapons. The banner serves as a guards company banner, as well as a summoning point for daemons. :)
In the old revision these would be fielded as a single unit of goat headed mutants.

Guard Platoon. Pretty standard stuff. Chaos Icon as Platoon banner, along with a heavy weapon squad packing mortars. The platoon commander carries a bolter and the missile launcher also adds an extra oomph to the firepower of the whole army. The old revision would not have allowed me to use the mortars as a single unit if I fie;ded this army as "Lost and the Damned".

Good old armoured fist squads. No, wait a minute, they did away with those. These guys are a veteran squad in carapace armour riding in a chimera. Note the use of beastmen shields, ork and space marine armour plates and the lovely spiky tank!! I kept the pennant thing going too on the rear of the tank, adding to the theme of the army. All the guardsmen had transfers added too, with iconography and chaos symbols all over the place.

More Necromunda models! This time a house Cawdor gang, used as Chaops cultist veterans wearing camelioline clothing. Unusual basing with the mesh, but that's because I can still use them for Necromunda if I want. They are the army scouts, packing a little aggressive punch with the heavy stubber.

Priests! Well, heretic ones anyway! 3 with shotguns and one with an eviscerator. They are the same in game terms as their imperial counterparts, but the rosarius is now a cursed emblem of chaos, but confers the same effect on the individual.

Old revision- BIG MUTANTS. New edition....erm......Chaos Ogryns. Big, mean and nasty, these are individuals who are blessed by the fickle gods with immense size and a brutal mentality. These were converted from minotuar models, Ork Warbosses, Orks, cold ones and even a daemon pirnce! They were good fun to make and the colour scheme kept in with the rest of the army. Handy assault troops these are. Tough to kill and good for drawing fire!

Chaos Space Marine Veterans- Alpha Legionnaires no less! These guys are geared up to make fleshy goo piles out of most enemies, using power weapons, a flamer and a plasma pistol. Kitted out with everything nasty, these troops can infiltrate to luanch the early assault and wreak havoc amongs the enemy formations. Alpha legion tactics are exaclty that- according to previous codexes and sources I have in books and stuff. I wanted to reflect that the marines were the enforcers of the army's leadership, through fear of reprisals for failure, but also the army's specialists. They actually clash with the colour scheme, but for chaos troops thats nothing new really!
Regimental command squad- spot the necromunda model! In this army, he is a rogue psyker. The command squad also features 2 body guard models and the banner bearer carries the standard of the cursed regiment!
The guard element of the army contains no commisars- all executed when they turned away from the emperor's light.
The army also contains no vox casters or other items or troops I would consider to be "Imperial" in nature. This also means no advisors. Its very basic in its nature, but with the addition of a few chaos troops, like daemons and marines, the character and power of the army dramatically alters to suit the chaos themes!

Karaxus- Daemon Prince and leader of the army. MAJOR conversion here and the army's centre piece model!
He's actually made from 2 seperate models- a daemon prince and a dragon ogre. The axe is also the dragon ogre weapon, but according to the codex, the daemon prince cannot carry a daemon weapon or anything other than a close combat weapon.
That said, he can also use psycic powers, and that coupled with his "eternal warrior" ability and wings make for an assault nightmare for all but the toughest troops. A true monster in every sense of the word, this character can certainly dish out the hurt!
He is also useful for Apocalypse games as an HQ choice. All will be explained.
The Apocalypse force I am planning contains a massive infantry contingent made up from elements of the traitor guards, death guard and black legion, with all three providing tanks and elite options.
Maybe I can do a feature on that too later.....

1 comment:

  1. Loving the Objectives, mate. I'd forgotten just how truly massive your collection is! Good to see it all set up again :)


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