Monday 12 April 2010


Death guard- what better way to start the showcase than with the daemons of nurgle in the force?
The death guard are dedicated to the god of decay, Nurgle, and the army has a feel of rot and decay about it, using drab colours and rusty weapons. I made a lot of conversions in the army, from minor weapon swaps to complete tank conversions. They're all here for you to see now. Hope you like it!
The great Unclean one is a great model and it serves as a nasty surprise in battle, popping out of a champion and munching up troops and vehicles. The plague bearers make for a useful assault option from the warp, summoned through an icon.
The really great thing about these two options is that they don't use up any force organisation slots, which means I could add more and more units of plague bearers and Great unclean ones to the army if I wanted....

Death Guard Terminators- Awesome Elites choice with deep strike capabilities and packing nasty weaponry to cause problems everywhere. You can see the champion is tolled up with a pair of lightning claws and he also carries the Nurgle Icon for the squad. Models with the mark of nuirgle are bloated with disease and can soak up damage better than ordinary marines. Couple that up with the terminator armour saves and you have a very resilient squad that is tough to shift and scary opn the offensive. The two terminators in the background have had their power weapons converted so that they appear to be carrying rusted power swords. The champion's icon of nurgle is actually from the chaos vehicle sprue, and he is the only model in the squad with a trophy rack. The others had putty put in to fill out where the trophy racks would go. I figured they would just look better without them and fit in better with the character of the army.
Plague marines with a rhino. Again tough, fearless and carrying blight grenades, plague marines can take the hits and keep on coming. The sqaud also has an icon for summoning and two assault weapons in the form of a flamer and a plasma gun. The standard choice of troops for the discerning death guard player!
A Close up of the champion shows that I used a mutated head for him and gave him a power fist and plasma pistol. I was really happy with how he turned out, though he isn't strictly a conversion, he again gives the impression of a diseased warrior, chosen of Nurgle. He can punch his way through bunkers and vehicles, and also provides character to the squad itself. SOLID!
This is the Squad's Rhino transport, complete with extra armour, dozer blade and havoc launcher. Hopefully this bad ass machine can ship the squad across the battle field quickly and provide them with a little fire support as well. I slipped the squad icon into the background, just to show off the mark of nurgle, the putty banner painted to resemble diseased pock marked flesh and the Khorne beserker trophy head on top.
A squad of plague marines with their rhino. These guys are made up from the original plague marine models that cam out. No conversions here, except for the rhino (also old style). This squad was used as the basis for all the other squads in the army, so they are in a way it's heart and soul. They pack some real aggressive punch with both the melta gun and plasma gun in the squad. The champion carries a power weapon to give him an edge against infantry opponents and the option of melta bombs would be handy against armoured targets.
Every Plague marine should travel in style! LOL. This old style rhino has had wooden panels added from the warhammer snotling pump wagon model, and nurglings have been stuck on along with other chaos spiky bits and even diseased lichen onto the armour! This rhino isn't driven by a crew, but by a daemon (daemonic possession) and also has extra armour and a dozer blade.
Does this guy look familiar? He is a plague marine champion, true, but was made from KHARN the betrayer. Major clipping to his head and weapon swaps with some minor reposing to produce this awesome looking final product. In the old rules he was hard as nails, and still is, just without all the daemonic gifts that I used to love chucking in. Power weapon and bolter as his armaments with the all important melta bombs option, he kind of fits in with the idea of a "standard armament" for plague chamions in the army. His squad is the biggest in the army, and doesn't have a transport.
15 Plague marines walk into a bar...
All made from the basic plastic plague marine models, these guys have had weapon swaps, the spikes taken off their helmets, all sorts really. With a squad this size, the points rocket up for them. They are great for steady advances and holding objectives. Fearless and the mark of nurgle really gives them staying power and frustrates opponents who wonder why their weapons aren't as good as they hoped (when you need a 5 to wound with a bolter, you tend to get concerned- think of the poor guard player whose lasguns need 6's).
Predator! No honest it is! This model was made from an old damaged toy tank I had.Obviously I added the obligatory chaos spiky bits, but I also slapped on sponsons, grave stones and even a daemonic head. The body work I covered with putty and added pock marks using a tooth pick (that took ages). I wanted to give the impression that the vehicle was alive and that it had grown its own diseased flesh. I even added tentacles and arms and stuff.
This second shot shows off the armaments a bit better. The turret weapon is currently used as an autocannon, and the sponson weapons are used as either heavy bolters or lascannon. The top of the turret also packs a combi bolter for extra shootyness. In the last revision of 40K I was able to use this tank as a special vehicle with custom weapons and nasty upgrades. Expensive, but a great centre piece model.
Great model to finish up with. One of my fave conversions ever and a pleasure to take the time on. A dynamic posed model in terminator armour carrying deadly weaponry and nasty special rules. Typhus is my general and he carries a daemon weapon and uses psychic powers, as well as being the carrier of the destoyer hive. He is the epitomy of disease and contagion and he is tough too!
The model was made from the space wolf LOGAN GRIMNAR model and I spent ages removing wolf iconography and adding putty to make him appear bloated and diseased. I also added the scythe in place of GRIMNAR's power weapon to create the manreaper daemon weapon. Head swap was also in order, something with a spike on top.
I tried my best to create the model in the image of the illustration in the codex for chaos space marines. Just after I finished the model, Games Workshop released the miniature of him. Dang nammit!
Still, he's MY Typhus model, and he really does add to the character of the army as well as providing that all important leadership and aggressive punch.
That's it for this showcase folks! Hope you enjoyed mone of my pride and joy armies. Next up is my last current army and my biggest force- The Chaos Space Marines of the Black legion, and their fearsome leader ABADDON THE DESPOILER!!!!!


  1. Now these guys are the ones I've been looking forward to seeing! Your Death Guard are disgusting, diseased and clearly rotting from the inside out - everything Nurgle's warriors should be!

  2. I KNOW!!! Black legion are on now too!!! Check em out dude!!


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