Tuesday 6 April 2010

Inaugural Musings

Who'd ave thunk it?
Me- the Mentalist- on line- posting on my own blog?
Well, yer tis!

This blog will be mainly posts showing off my "toy soldiers" and projects I am up to my ears in.
I may chuck in the odd random thing from time to time (as us mentalists seem wont to do), but it's mainly hobby based.

I will have a go at chucking on a few piccies as well, featuring my various armies and kinda showing off my modelling and painting skills (or lack thereof).

Just for s**ts and giggles I may feature "fails" as well- just to prove it aint always perfick.
I do dabble in the murky world of terrain and scenery from time to time as well (you want fails- you should see some of the tat I've done for that over the eons!) so I may plop in a few of the more successful items, but mainly as back drops to make the troops look more "purdy."

I'll have a go at a few battle reports too, but my creative writing may well kick in with beer fuelled meories of glories that never were (you have been warned).

So, sign up, follow the blog and brace yerselves for whatever I can muster to bore yer socks off!!


  1. Nice one mate! Consider me your first (or maybe second) follower :) Come the hours of daylight I shall be adding you to the links on my website *cough* http://blog.domonet.co.uk *cough*, but until that moment, just accept my warm welcome to the world of blogging.


  2. Thanks Dom. Hope you get to check out the showcases I have done thus far.
    I hope I'm saving the best for last with the chaos marines...
    Enjoy dude!


Guess what? Here's your comment!! Thanks for taking the time to have a nose and feedback on it!!