Wednesday 14 April 2010

T-minus 2 days and counting

Well, no pics of armies and no pics of new models ( I hear you cry and weep for me, I really do).
I am just stoked about this weekend and what's going to happen!!!

Apparently, here is our plan of attack:
Day1: Arrive, unpack, beer, pizza, gaming, more beer, nibbles, gaming gaming gaming, beer, sleep (maybe)

Day2; Wake up, brekkie whilst gaming, gaming, more gamers arrive for more gaming, food food, pick up the chief and familiars and drop them to base hq, more gaming, beer, pizza, nibble gaming gaming gaming!

Day3; wake up, maybe gaming after brekkie, muse over weekends gaming, coffee, tea, biccies, coffee, gaming, pack up the stuff, miss all the gaming, head home, unpack, sleep.

After that, its update the blog about the gaming, plot the next stages of the new project and venture forth! (followed by work)

Can't wait to make notes on the armies, the decisive moments and I plan to have "man of the match" and "wooden spoon" awards for all!

I haven't gamed this much since the famed 24 hour sponsored events at my old school (which are now banned by stoopid law) when we played a 10000point warhammer game over 2 ping pong tables which lasted for 14 hours!!! (the old rules were savage back then, and who knew that to cast magic you needed to pass "cl, wp and int" tests whilst rolling d4's d8's d12's and d20's? They didn't even have templates!) I can't even remember who won, but I know we were drained and warhammer was never the same after that.

It's gonna be frikkin' awesome!!!

BRING IT (and the beer...)


  1. Did I mention all the GAMING??

  2. Dude!

    You forgot to mention the GAMING, Chap!

    Bring it!


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